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Downloading CometChat


(comet chat assumes that there is a php session variable - but i dont have this with rails) So how can i pass the rails session user to the getUserID function. Whether you’re a start-up or a Fortune 500, we’d love to chat about our products and make a personalised plan that fits your business. Drag & drop chat plugin for popular web software & no-code platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Ning and more. I found this funny little screencasts explaining simple comet. As a side note I really think this is going to kill your server on any real load. When just having a couple of users, I would say to just go for this solution.

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CometChat can be downloaded directly from our website. Simply click on Members Area See full list on link for downloading CometChat latest version.

Ba ii plus professional emulator for mac os. If you plan to install CometChat on a test domain initially, make sure you enter the same domain before download. You can change the domain later, when you move to your production site.

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If you are planning to use CometChat for a custom coded site, then select the None of the above (custom coded site) integration from the drop-down menu.

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By default, the latest version of CometChat is already selected. We recommend you download the latest unless you have a strong reason not to do so.
