Peavey Serial Number Search
I quote here one really interesting post from TDPRi forum about Peavey amps serial #, as I hava lot of love (LOL) for them. Thanks Larry.
Peavey Wolfgang Serial Number Search
If you look on the Peavey forums, they have a list of all the serial numbers and how to read them, after (IIRC) 1977 or so. If yours has a dot-matrix printed serial number and say a barcode, it's definitely recent enough to be in the database. Serial number will give you the manufacturing year Serial numbers correlate to shipping dates of US models only. Imports designated by EX, EXP, or BXP are not serialized by year.
- Peavey Wolfgang serial numbers were stamped on the back of the headstock between the tuners. Edward Van Halen's signature and the headstock patent number were both branded just below the serial number. Early Wolfgang models (1996–1998) contained.
- Any Peavey Wolfgang with serial # impressed into the wood starting with 91 is USA made. Also later model also had some starting with 50 or 51. As long the serial # is impressed or branded into the wood - it's USA. All Korean models Peavey Wolfgang serial # were inked.
- I player Hamers normally (US hand-made w/Floyds). This is the 1st Floydless guitar I owned for over 20 years. I also had the EX (in red) w/Floyd but sold it. Peavey imports are vastly under-rated IMO (I been playing 30 years & have owned everything & this stands up to anything I ever owned). I am biased tho = I love Explorers.
Years ago, Roger Crimm of Peavey Customer Service posted to the Peavey forum about serial numbers that Peavey had used. In the decade of the '80s, serial numbers were made up of a 2 digit prefix and an 8 digit serial # following that. The prefix indicated the year of manufacture, followed by 8 digits in the rest of the serial number, which was the pattern.
The first digit of the prefix was a number, indicating what year in the decade the piece was manufactured. That was followed by a letter, which IIRC ('If I Recall Correctly,' in case you were wondering) indicated the type of gear in question. And in the lower right hand corner there was a number and a letter corresponding to the year the prefix indicated.
So, for example, my Bandit 65's serial # is 4A-01900152, so my Bandit 65 was an amp manufactured in year 4 of the 1980s, i.e., 1984. And in the lower right hand corner of the nameplate is the designation 84C, which corresponds to the year indicated in the serial number.
IIRC, some time in the early 1990s, that serialization system changed. My Peavey Studio Pro 112 TransTube (1995 or 1996, I believe) has an 8 digit serial number without a prefix. But then again I have an old Peavey Envoy 110 teal stripe that is a 1990, and uses the serialization system of the 1980s.
The Solo Series Bandit 112 was manufactured after the Bandit 75, beginning in 1988, continuing to 1995. In my limited experience, a teal stripe such as yours would date from 1990 on. Your serial # 1A-05016114 still follows the system used throughout the 80s, and apparently into the early 90s. So that prefix indicates an amplifier manufactured in year 1 of the decade. Also, that number in the lower right hand corner, '91B,' corresponds with a 1991 date.
So, for example, my Bandit 65's serial # is 4A-01900152, so my Bandit 65 was an amp manufactured in year 4 of the 1980s, i.e., 1984. And in the lower right hand corner of the nameplate is the designation 84C, which corresponds to the year indicated in the serial number.
IIRC, some time in the early 1990s, that serialization system changed. My Peavey Studio Pro 112 TransTube (1995 or 1996, I believe) has an 8 digit serial number without a prefix. But then again I have an old Peavey Envoy 110 teal stripe that is a 1990, and uses the serialization system of the 1980s.
The Solo Series Bandit 112 was manufactured after the Bandit 75, beginning in 1988, continuing to 1995. In my limited experience, a teal stripe such as yours would date from 1990 on. Your serial # 1A-05016114 still follows the system used throughout the 80s, and apparently into the early 90s. So that prefix indicates an amplifier manufactured in year 1 of the decade. Also, that number in the lower right hand corner, '91B,' corresponds with a 1991 date.
Larry G
The soon to be famous musician/Cranks out Top 40 tunes in a bar/While his mind is somewhere on vacation/Far away from his voice and guitar
Bob Bennett
Following this review, my old Bandit 112 was a 1989 product !Larry G
The soon to be famous musician/Cranks out Top 40 tunes in a bar/While his mind is somewhere on vacation/Far away from his voice and guitar
Bob Bennett
Peavey Guitar Serial Number Lookup

Peavey Amp Serial Number Dating