Practice Listening In English

How to Improve English Listening Skills: 8 Practice Tips That Work 1. Be active in your listening, not passive. There are two forms of listening: active and passive. Active listening is. Watch English TV and films with bilingual subtitles. Start watching English TV and movies with subtitles. There are other ways to practice listening. Let’s discuss the next listening exercise. Exercise #2: Practice Listening with TV Shows & Movies. If you enjoy American and British TV series and films, you’ll love this exercise. First, watch a movie or a TV show with subtitles. As you watch it, don’t worry about listening practice yet. Basic English Listening Lessons Basic Listening Lessons have straight forward questions and answers. If you listen, you should be able to clearly hear the answer from the audio file. Feel free to listen to the audio file multiple times.

English Speaking And Listening Practice

Helping English Learners Find Listening Materials

Listening Practice In English Free Download

Practice Listening In English

Listening is an important part of communication. If you do not understand what the other person is saying, then you will not know how to respond. This section was created to give students daily practice on listening. In this English listening section, students can constantly listen to the audio files provided here. Are you an intermediate (CEFR level B1) learner of English? This section offers listening practice to help you understand the main points of clear, standard speech about everyday or job-related topics. Situations include phone calls, meetings and interviews.

EnglishClub recently received a question from an English learner about finding listening materials. We wrote back to this learner, but thought we’d expand a bit on our blog in case any of you have the same question.

Q: Where can I find audio practice in American English on EnglishClub?

A: You may have noticed thatEnglishClub is written in British English.Our About page has the following explanation:

EnglishClub comes to you from England. It is written mainly in British English. But we have pages about other varieties of English such as American or Canadian. Don’t be surprised if you see a word that you think is wrongly spelled! Some words are spelled differently in British English and American English. “Colour”, for example, is British English. Pes 2008 setup for pc. In American English it is “color”. We try to make this clear when it is important.

English Listening Practice Download

While EnglishClub uses mainly British spelling and usage, many of our audio materials are in North American English. My name is Tara and I have been contributing audio materials to EnglishClub for many years. As a Canadian, my English dialect (pronunciation, vocabulary, and usage) is much closer to that of my nearby American neighbours than my friends in England. However, people throughout North America have different accents and expressions. When it comes to speaking English, it’s not really about being Canadian or American. In North America, the region (state or province) a person grows up in has much more to do with how they speak than the nationality.

If you want to practise listening to English, you should try listening to many different accents, including speakers from a wide variety of places in Europe, Canada, the US, Australia, and New Zealand. I have lived in Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario. While some people call this “Canadian English”, others refer to it as “North American”.

Here are some places on EnglishClub to find FREE listening practice in North American English:
Here are a few of the FREE British English materials on EnglishClub:
  • The Learning English Video Project (with teachers and learners speaking English from all over the world)
Practice Listening In English
You can also listen to our own members practising English in the Audio Speaking Group and in the MyEC Voice Blogs. Many members also practise singing in English in our karaoke group. In our Video Gallery, you will find English speakers from many different parts of the world as well. Try the pronunciation category.
English listening practice audio
Outside of EnglishClub, you can search for English podcasts. Subscribe to a few on iTunes and listen to English whenever you’re on the move.