Starbound Mods Download


  1. Welcome to the official Starbound Mod repository, Guest! Not sure how to install your mods? Check out the installation guide or check out the modding help thread for more guides.
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Top Mods

.This mod was made for Starbound v1.3.2 & up. 1) Extract the contents file. 2) Move the extracted.pak file into your Starbound mods directory. About This mod adds a craftable sex toy vending machine, changes the Output Bathroom to include a condom dispenser, and a spawnable sex toy merchant NPC to your game. Feb 14, 2018 - Quite a lot of mods will modify your save too much to be fixed, and they'll often say so on their download page. There are certain inventory. Starbound is a 2D extraterrestrial sandbox adventure game developed by Chucklefish, a London-based independent game studio!

  1. Outdated Avali Race Mod
    Updated: Apr 26, 2014
  2. Enhanced Storage
    A quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound.
  3. FrackinUniverse
    Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.
  4. Avali (Triage)
    Return of the most adorable predators this side of the universe rift
  5. Felins
    Updated: Sep 2, 2019

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  1. spacechase0
  2. Shadow Wolf TJC
Starbound Mods Download

View All Featured Mods

  1. NPC Map Locations Mod

    Shows NPC locations on map. Uses a more accurate map page for more accurate tracking!
  2. Skippable Cinematics

    v6ooo, Jul 6, 2016
  3. Gardenbot 2.1 -- REBOOTED --

    Robotic Farming ... IN SPACE! - Supports modded plants! - Cheerful 1.3.4
  4. More Tiles and Greebles

    Extra Titanium to Executive tiles and decorative objects
  5. The Stars My Destination - Sword and Spells

    hythl0day, Dec 23, 2015
  6. FrackinUniverse

    Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.
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Maybe the best 2D sandbox ever made.

Starbound is a cheaply made indie game that has had a great reception. Your character fled a planet only to land on a new one. Now it is time to discover, explore, fight and survive in your new environment. Navigate planets and upgrade your ships to find warp gates, outposts, shops, quests and more.

Let Us Start With What Could Be A Fatal Flaw

The creators keep updating the game in an attempt to finish it. People that have bought it, and people that are waiting to buy it, have been promised a complex and interesting survival game. The creators keep adding things to it, but it is more like they are updating it rather than finishing it. Some have accused it of being constructed haphazardly and that it is proceeding aimlessly without direction until its creator’s death. Releases and updates are becoming less frequent, and people are not getting the game they were promised. Despite its additions, mods and updates, there are still a lot of people that think it lacks content.

It Has Won Awards

Starbound won the 2013 Indie Game of the Year and has been listed in the PC Gamer Top 100 Greatest PC games. This is because it has a seemingly never-ending world that you can keep exploring. The developers claim it will be finished soon, yet it has been in the early access phase since 2013, and their last patch/update was in April 2015.

Starbound mods download torrent

It is probably the best 2D sandbox game you can find. It is not pure sandbox because you are not left completely to your own devices within each world. There is a narrative, but you can pursue it at your own leisure.

Farm, build, explore and survive

You can simply hop from planet to planet looking for treasure chests, or you can farm and hunt. You can build on different planets, or you can upgrade your ship. You can go looking for a fight and if you search hard enough then you will find one. There are seven races that you can play as, including playing as a cowboy plasma person or carnivorous plant person.

It is still at a high price for an early-access game, and it is obvious that the developers have made a lot of money and done a runner. Still, for the money you pay, you can squeeze around 60 hours of gameplay out of it.

Starbound Mods Download


  • A deep crafting system
  • Seven playable races
  • Thousands of items to find
  • Farming, hunting and survival mechanics

Starbound Mods Download Mod


Starbound Mods Download Minecraft

  • The 2D graphics are not good
  • It is a side scrolling game that some people won’t like
  • Too many options and not enough action
  • It can get boring